“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly” (Matthew 11:28-30 The Message).
Who doesn’t feel stuck , burdened or silent at times. As followers of Christ we are invited into strategic conversations. Karen’s Workshops are custom designed to inspire, encourage and assist BELIEF which directly impacts your prayer behavior and practice.
Whether you book one training session, a full day or weekend of workshops for a conference or week long focus, you will leave feeling more equipped and resourced then when you came. There’s something interactive for everyone! Pray and ask God if He is calling and inviting you to this.
“I liked the practicality and biblical reasons of Karen’s teaching because I knew what to implement the next day.” Noel
IMAGINE – For Those Who May Be Lonely and Need a Boost to Keep Going
Imagine unlocking a secret power in your life that unleashed hidden reserves of divine power. You have no idea the tremendous influence your life can have if you are willing to jump into the gap! Whenever Jesus prayed, things happened. Learn how to, when to and why this is for everyone.
FOCUS – For Those Who Are Stuck
This interactive workshop is especially for those familiar with doubt, fear, guilt, shame, pride, prayerless, failure, and disappointment. Do you ache for conversations to be meaningful, candid, intimate, and effective? Whether a beginner or well-seasoned in your prayer journey, you can be inspired to benefit from a true focus of prayer; and come to understand the unforced rhythm that results in breakthrough answers!
HEARING GOD’S VOICEPRINT – For Those Who Are Reserved About Hearing God
This two part interactive workshop is designed especially for those who are so hungry, craving to hear God’s voice. Do you long to experience God’s exhilarating and unforgettable voice? You can intentionally recognize His personal communication style! Do you know your own? Identify the corrective measures of hearing impairment in order to personally know His “voiceprint” from all others.
FOCUS ON THE FACTS – For Those Too Embarrassed to Ask
You can fine tune your skills with this simple and practical tool. Knowing how you can have a conversation anytime, anywhere about anything will help you have effective, powerful conversations with God that result in breakthrough. Understanding these essentials is like a personal invitation from God to cultivate and partner with Him in your mutual conversations.
PRAYER POWER TOOLS – For Those Who Keep Hitting The Wall
Discover how these Biblical disciplines of POWER can transform your prayer life into something supernatural! Praying God’s Word, Prayer & Fasting, Prayer Walking, Prayer Journalling.
EMPOWERED BREAKTHROUGH – For Those Desiring To Make A Difference
This interactive workshop may challenge and stretch your perspective. Do you sense direction and purpose in prayer? Have you tasted prayers of agreement that powerfully impact where you live, work and play? God personally invites strategic conversations that make all the difference. It’s time to know God, be known, and make Him known!
Your care and desperate felt need can be part of God’s equation and invitation to generate God stories where you live, work and play. This interactive workshop will help us discover together how to effectively inquire, hear and obey for the advance of God’s Kingdom. One hour of prayer can change everything!
MAY I HAVE THE NEXT DANCE? – For Those Who Feel Unloved
Let’s define the indefinable music that awakens desire to follow His lead. What rhythm do you respond to – the invitation sway of grace, mercy, and love or the accusation beat of guilt, shame, and fear? Whether you answer from your head, heart or gut, your steps and movement demonstrate what you believe.
ALREADY TAKEN! For Those Who Feel Hopeless
Did you know there is a competition for YOU? Especially over your strides of pain, loss, sorrow, and disappointment, even pride! Learn the moves of the great exchange where nothing is wasted on the dance floor of life. Are you willing to reach out and trust the One who has spoken for you? Do you believe the love in His eye for YOU?
DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN DANCE? For Those Needing Direction
Are we practised, fit, and prepared to inspire as many as we can wherever we live, work and play to dance with the Bright and Morning Star? “Home Sweet Home” – the last and best is yet to come. Do you recognize how your life is strategically positioned for a divinely designed and exhilarating dance – to know and believe God and make Him known?
CONVERSATIONS THAT COUNT – For Those Afraid or Who Don’t Know How To Tell Their Story
For some, there is a real threat in sharing the Gospel and the anxiety it creates can be overwhelming. The threat is based on fear, which is a tactic of the enemy. Your testimony can be short and precise and can demonstrate power as you press past fear. This workshop helps you develop a three minute testimony based on four basic points that you can have ready to share when needed.
Cultivate Prayer Customizes Workshops!!! Contact us today to book for your training.